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I want to perceive art as a vocation at the service of good, apable, through our sensitivity, of lifting our spirit, of enlightening our path.The value of art is that it can still cause wonder in our souls, an awe similar to the one we experience as children when we´re discovering the world. In this sense, art has the capacity to excite us,and therefore give back our desire to live and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. 

We all need bridges that take us to places where we can rest our eyes and discover images that remind us that we were created to love, that it is possible to trust, and that at some point we felt blind confidence and an unalterable peace, even if it was only in our earliest childhood. Everything that is in our heart is still there, waiting for us, waiting for us to stop, internalise, quiet our mind and find that place within ourserlves where everything makes sense. I like to think that art can be a bridge to that place at last for an instant.

© 2023 by MGaribay

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